Born in Valdagno (Vicenza), Italy, where he attended the Classical High School (Liceo Classico). He graduated in Architecture at the Polytechnic of Milan and in 1984 he received a master's degree in Computer Graphics and participated with some computer
graphics works at SIGGRAPH '86 (Las Vegas - USA), The Annual Conference of Computer Graphics and at IMAGINA (International Festival on Computer Graphics) in
Monte Carlo (MC) in 1987 with a 3D modeling work in FORTRAN of the Villa Rotonda of Andrea Palladio.
See my Artistic curriculum.
He was in charge of the Computer Graphics Department of the Instituto Europeo di Design in Milan in 1984-87. He has participated in
European COMET Projects for CAD teaching with the use of multimedia tools for ISVOR FIAT experimentally using various multimedia integrated communication supports, such as
video, videodisc, and later CD-Rom.
He was a lecturer in charge of Automatic Design first at the Faculty of Architecture and then at the Faculty of Design of the Milan Polytechnic and at the Faculty of Engineering of the University
of Bergamo, where he taught CAD drawing courses. In 1988 he founded the company Lavori in Corso Srl in Milan, one of the first ATC (Autodesk Training Center) in Italy.
He edited the localization and development Italian version of ECDL CAD for AICA (Italian Operator) and in 2005 published the book "ECDL CAD Il manuale" published
for Apogeo with the second edition in 2008 and the third Edition in Octobre 2011. He has obtained the first Certification of ECDL CAD n.0001 from AICA
He has collaborated in drawing courses on CD-ROM for the subject of Technology and Design with some publishing houses, such as Giunti Scuola, Atlas, La Scuola Editrice, Il Capitello Editore, Reda Edizioni. He has created and manages this online course platform that has more than 7,800 users.
2011: Online tutor in SLOOP2desc: Sharing Learning Objects in an Open Perspective, cascade course for 450 teachers of Higher School, CNR organizer - Institute for Educational Technologies.
2013: Trainer Teacher for the High School in the Web Generation Project Lombardia School Office for Lombardy, General Management.
2014: Trainer Teachers in the Digital Lombardy School Project of the Ufficio Scolastico per la Lombardia.
2016/17: Teacher trainer in the PNSD - National Digital School Plan in #15 Schools
Recent publications (Only recent years For all publications see My CV in PDF)
C.Gasparini, Piattaforma eLearning di supporto ai tre testi didattici : E. Bartolucci, E Camboni, Disegnare e Progetto,
2015, Reda Edizioni, Torino, ISBN: 9788883611339; Aldo Emanuele, CAT Scienze e tecnologie applicate, 2015, Reda Edizioni, Torino; AAVV, Coordination of L. Ugulini, L. Camboni, S. Oggioni, M.N. Forgiarini, Laboratori tecnici ed esercitazioni agrarie,
2015, Reda Edizioni, Torino.
C.Gasparini, Piattaforma eLearning support at: E. Bartolucci Disegnare per progettare, 2011, Reda Edizioni,
Torino, ISBN: 9788883611339 e : E. Bartolucci Disegnare nel progetto, 2011, Reda Edizioni, Torino, ISBN: 9788883611346, 2011
C.Gasparini, Piattaforma eLearning support at: AAVV, Coordination of S. Oggioni, M.N. Forgiarini, L. Camboni,
LABORATORI TECNOLOGICI ed esercitazioni agrarie, 2011, Reda Edizioni, Torino, ISBN: 9788883611377, 2011
C. Gasparini, Moodle come piattaforma per la condivisione della conoscenza in ( edited by ) G. Franceschinis e D. Porporato, Modelli e tecnologie della formazione in rete, 2007, Edizioni Mercurio, Vercelli, pp. 325-334, ISBN: 9788895522098
C. Gasparini, Disegnare col computer, Dal disegno tradizionale al CAD; chapter of the book: Bruno Munari, A. Pinotti, G. Tosetti,
Disegno Design, Atlas, Bergamo, 1999
My artistic activity
Rejected from the Royal Academy of Arts - London (UK) RA Summer Exhibition 2023 competition
Dear Claudio Gasparini, Thank you for submitting digital images of PAIN AND HOPE IN UKRAINE. The judges ... and we regret to inform
you that it has not been selected ...
Some of my jokes are mentioned in "Anche le formiche nel loro piccolo s'incazzano" by Gino & Michele, Dalai Editore, 2004, Italian Humor Bestseller book
Among young mothers: "Don't you think my son looks like everything to his father? - Of course, but a little to your husband too.
Tra amiche: - Non trovi che mio figlio assomigli tutto al padre? - Certo, ma un poco anche a tuo marito.
We are as in autumn under the trees the syringes
Si sta come d'autunno sotto gli alberi le siringhe [Ironic quote of poetry of Giuseppe Ungaretti We are as in autumn under the trees the leaves]
- To remedy the state deficit each of us should pay more than 40,000 euros each. - And to heal the deficit of justice, how many years in prison should I do?
- Per sanare il deficit dello Stato ognuno di noi dovrebbe sborsare più di 40 mila Euro a testa. - E per sanare il deficit della Giustizia, quanti anni di galera mi dovrei fare?
- Mirror of my desires, who is the most beautiful of the realm? - In the monkey kingdom, surely you.
- Specchio delle mie brame, chi è il più bello del reame? - Nel regno delle scimmie, tu sicuramente.
My other aphorisms:
I think the brain is the only part of the body that can not be augmented with silicone. Otherwise it would be Artificial Intelligence.
When I finish the bytes, I use the bits.
When the inspiration arrives, the computer will most likely be blocked.
Nuggets of wisdom
When they asked at Ivan Sutherland: - But how did you do the first interactive graphics program, the first non-procedural programming
language, the first object-oriented software system, and all in your undergraduate thesis and in a year? (1962) Ivan Sutherland replied: - Well, when I started I did not know it was difficult.
prof. Marco Somalvico, pioneers of artificial intelligence in Europe and one of my Masters, told me: "You need to Know, to Know
how to do AND make Known what you Know"
Claudio: "Of course it's ugly to grow old!" Paola, my daughter, bioengineer: "Lucky you, you were ugly as a child"